Urinary Incontinence Laser Treatment

“Become the best version of yourself.” - Art Williams

Urinary Incontinence Laser Treatment

What is urinary incontinence laser treatment?
Urinary incontinence is the most common complaint for women. It usually develops after vaginal childbirth, menopause or cancer treatment, leading to urge incontinence and possibly involuntary urine leaking. Urinary incontinence can be incredibly embarrassing, causing urine leaking at any inconvenient moment when exercising, changing positions, sneezing or even laughing. Urinary incontinence laser treatment is performed to treat the condition known as urinary stress incontinence. The condition itself refers to the uncontrolled loss of urine especially on coughing, laughing and exercising. It is common after childbirth. It is a very common condition in women, and can also occur as a result of ageing, weak pelvic floor muscles, and after menopause.

Why is it performed?
Since the muscles around the opening of your bladder control urine flow by squeezing the passageway to prevent urine from leaking through the urethra, treatment may be needed to strengthen these muscles and control urine flow. There are a number of benefits to choosing this type of incontinence treatment – there is no need for anaesthetic, surgery or pain medication, and the results are very effective. Treatment is very quick and results can be seen by the second session.

How does it work?
There is no longer a need for urinary incontinence surgery, instead a minimally-invasive painless vaginal treatment can be done with a high technology laser. This procedure is known as a FemiLift and can be done to treat urinary incontinence, among other vaginal concerns. This laser is carefully inserted into the vagina, and works by stimulating the growth of new collagen and elastin fibres in the muscles and the underlying connective tissues around the urethra, vagina and pelvic area so the vagina better supports the urethra and you can have more control. The laser is able to target on the areas that require tightening and bladder support, and reduce symptoms of the condition very effectively within a short period of time.

The treatment is very quick, and generally takes around ten minutes per session. It is a non-invasive procedure, which means that recovery time is short. It is generally recommended that you have at least three treatment sessions, one month apart, although in some cases more treatments may be necessary. The procedure itself has no side effects, and you will not feel any pain or discomfort afterwards.

Post Treatment:
There is no down time and this is considered a lunch time procedure


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Suite 207 Hiway Medical Centre, Life Westville Hospital
7 Harry Gwala (Spine) Road, Westville, Durban, 3630

+27 (0)31 265 1020
